Tinnitus Evaluation & Treatment

Looking for a Tinnitus Specialist in Melbourne?

Abi Hearing offer specialised Tinnitus Treatment plans to Melbourne locals to help better manage the ongoing impacts of this common disease.

What is Tinnitus?

Tinnitus is the perception of sound when no actual external noise is present. While it is commonly referred to as “ringing in the ears”, tinnitus can manifest many different perceptions of sound including buzzing, hissing, whistling, swooshing and clicking. Tinnitus can be both temporary and permanent, it can be heard in one ear, both ears or even not localised to the ears and heard in the head.

It is important to note that tinnitus is not a disease. While tinnitus is a symptom of a wide range of conditions, it is most frequent the result noise induced hearing loss.

Common Causes of Tinnitus

  • Exposure to loud noises
  • Earwax build-up
  • Ear infection
  • Meniere’s disease
  • Head and neck injuries
  • Benign tumours of the cranial nerve

Audiology Clinic Melbourne

Tinnitus Treatment

There is no cure for most cases of tinnitus. Most people become accustomed to it and learn to tune it out. Ignoring it rather than focusing on it can provide relief. When this does not work, the individual may benefit from treatment for the effects of tinnitus, insomnia, anxiety, hearing difficulties, social isolation, and depression. Dealing with these issues can significantly improve a person’s quality of life.

Many ENT/Audiologist now offer treatment for tinnitus, based on the individual patient’s needs. The treatment may include:

  • Medication for a medical condition
  • Adjustment to current medication or an explanation of the condition and its relation to tinnitus
  • Counselling, relaxation therapy and stress management
  • Use of hearing aids, maskers and environmental sound enrichment

Tinnitus and Hearing Loss

Tinnitus affects approximately 1 in 3 Australians but there is relief. Tinnitus refers to the perception of sound even though there is no external sound. Tinnitus can result from a variety of environmental factors such as noise exposure, ear infections, allergies, and aging. Other than ringing in your ears, there are many other types of tinnitus, such as hissing, buzzing, or whirring.

Although there is no cure for tinnitus, scientific research has shown that it is possible to get relief. Because hearing aids can amplify missing auditory information, they can provide relief for people who experience this condition. A hearing aid can be used to increase sensory input for those who have treatable hearing loss. It has been widely used in the relief and prevention of tinnitus over many years.

What is the key? The key is to treat the most common cause, namely hearing loss. Coaching can also be used to help patients understand and deal with the irritable sounds. Hearing aids such as the Lyric4 from Phonak can help reduce tinnitus related distress in people with mild, moderate, and severe tinnitus. A scientific study has shown that hearing aids can reduce the impact of tinnitus in daily life by 70%. This makes it easier to focus.

Hearing Tools to Help Our Community

Free Online Hearing Test

If you are interested in learning more about the current state of your hearing health, and an online hearing test is a great place to start. Our online hearing test takes around 5 minutes, and upon completion, you will receive a digital report outlining your results and providing recommendations on the next steps you should take.

Launch Online Hearing Test

What is the best hearing aid to treat tinnitus?

Tinnitus relief for people with hearing loss has been a common use of hearing aids for many years. Amplification with hearing aids is a good option to provide missing auditory information that the auditory pathway can process. This diverts attention from tinnitus.

Tinnitus can recur if hearing aids usually worn every day are taken out, such as at night. Additional relief may be possible with the use of continuous-wear hearing aids such as Phonak Lyric4.

Lyric4 from Phonak

The Lyric4 from Phonak, a digital hearing aid that can be used to treat both hearing loss and tinnitus7, has been designed. The Lyric4 is the only tinnitus relief device that can be used with your smartphone. Clinically, it has been shown to reduce the daily impact of tinnitus by 70%. Lyric4 users report improved focus, hearing and sleep quality.

Wearing a hearing aid can increase sensory input and distract from tinnitus for those who have hearing loss.


Lyric4 for Tinnitus: What are its benefits?

1. Sensitivity to Tinnitus Reduction

Tinnitus awareness is composed of two components: loudness and irritation. Digital technology can reduce tinnitus loudness and improve awareness for people with tinnitus.

2. Increased Audibility

The goal of hearing aid fitting is to restore audibility (or sounds that cannot be heard) through amplification. Hearing aids amplify audible information, which over time increases the ability of hearing aid users to distinguish between desired and undesired sounds. This is useful for processing tinnitus as the amplifications of salient environmental sounds interrupt tonic (background), tinnitus awareness.

3. Improved Signal to Noise Discrimination

Amplification can improve hearing in noisy environments, as many users of hearing aids report. This can be attributed to a variety of factors, such as amplified speech's audibility benefit and the distraction of tinnitus awareness through salient environmental sounds.

Book an Appointment to Begin Your Journey to Tinnitus Relief

Tinnitus can be treated. Book a confidential and obligation free session with our qualified Audiologist to learn how you may be able to achieve tinnitus relief.

Other Hearing Health Services

Balance Tests

Balance testing can help diagnose a wide range of hearing related illnesses. If you are experiencing loss of balance, unsteadiness, light-headedness or any other ear systems reach out to our experts.

Hearing Aid Prescription & Fitting

Abi Hearing offers a comprehensive list of hearing aids. If you are suffering hearing loss we can help by prescribing and fitting the right hearing aid to suit your needs.

Hearing Aid Repairs

Like most medical devices, hearing aids at some point will need repair. Abi Hearing specialise in all major hearing aid brands and provide repair services at competitive prices.

Hearing Loss Treatment & Prevention

Tinnitus Evaluation & Treatment Plans

If you are suffering from ringing, buzzing or whirring in your ears, you may well have tinnitus. Abi Hearing are tinnitus treatment and prevention experts.

Auditory Training Program

We use Listening And Communication Enhancement (LACE) program as part of our aural rehabilitation process. This program aims to retrain the brain to comprehend speech up to 40% better in difficult listening situations.

Hearing Conservation Program

Depending on the industry you work in, you might be at greater risk of hearing loss. Abi Hearing aim to educate workers on what they can to to prevent hearing loss and protect themselves when at work.

Audio Clinic Melbourne

Local Audiology Clinic Trusted by the Community ï»¿

The friendly team at Abi Hearing maintain a no-pressure environment where your best interests are always respected. This honest approach has brought many return customers and enthusiastic referrals. 

Independent and Locally Owned

Abi Hearing is proud to be a fully independent audiology clinic. Our audiologists are under no obligation to promote any specific manufacturer’s products. We stock hearing technologies from a full range of manufacturers. 

You will receive an unbiased hearing evaluation and honest product recommendation. If you have felt pressured in the past to buy a specific hearing aid, you will find our fair and balanced approach refreshing.

Trusted and Recommended by ENT specialists, GPs and Allied Health Professionals

Abi Hearing has a strong reputation for excellence with local Ear Nose and Throat (ENT) specialists, GPs and other allied health professionals. 

ENT specialists share office space with Abi Hearing. You can see an ENT immediately, without a long wait or inconvenient travel time.

Proudly Partnering With Australia's Leading Hearing Technology Companies

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