Balance Test

Abi Hearing are Melbourne Balance Test Specialists

Abi Hearing is partnering with local General Practitioners to offer our Melbourne clients a comprehensive balance test assessment which  may help in the diagnosis and treatment of balance related conditions.

Do I need a Balance Test?

It is not always easy to describe the sensations experienced, which might be spinning, rocking, tilting or dropping feeling. Many patients find it challenging to distinguish the sense of vertigo from lightheadedness, disorientation or brain fog. Consult your GP and request a full diagnostic balance and hearing test If you are frequently experiencing imbalances, dizziness or lightheadedness.

Balance Disorders

A balance disorder is a health condition that makes you feel unsteady or dizzy. You might feel as if you are moving, spinning, or floating, even though you are standing still or lying down. When experienced, it can be disabling and extremely unsettling. It is a treatable symptom. Our experienced audiologists will develop a personalised treatment plan for you based on your balance test results.

Symptoms of Balance Disorder include:

  • a spinning or moving sensation in the head (vertigo)
  • a loss of balance
  • unsteadiness
  • giddiness
  • light-headedness
  • headaches
  • visual symptoms
  • neck symptoms
  • ear symptoms
  • tinnitus

If you are suffering any of the above symptoms, please contact your GP and request a full balance test

Balance Test Melbourne

Abi Hearing work together with your General Practitioner to help assess, diagnose and treat a wide range of disorders that can affect balance.

Abi Hearing can help you with testing and treatment of a wide range of balance related conditions. 

We have invested in the latest Videonystagmography equipment to ensure that our clients have access to the most accurate and effective diagnosis tools.

Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV)

BPPV is an abbreviation for a common condition more formally known as Benign Positional Paroxysmal Vertigo.  This balance disorder can cause vertigo like symptoms when the head is rotated into different positions. These sensations can occur at any time, however they are most commonly experienced when laying flat, such as laying in bed or looking upwards.

Vestibular Neuritis

VN presents suddenly and is often experienced in conjunction with other symptoms related to viral infection. Symptoms include the acute onset of severe vertigo and usually lasts for approximately 24 hours. Patients usually find that symptoms diminish within 10 days, however some people experience long term affects that can be treated through a Vestibular rehabilitation program.

Vestibular Migraines

Vestibular Migraines affect around 15-17% of women and 4-6% of men. This condition can often affect balance however through a combination diagnosis and treatment, symptoms can be significantly reduced.

Meniere's Syndrome

Meniere's Syndrome, sometimes referred to as Endolymphatic Hydrops is a collection of symptoms that often present together. Audiologists are able to work together with your General Practitioner to provide treatment for this disorder.

What is balance?

Balance is a term that is used to describe the body's ability to stay upright and maintain its equilibrium. There are many things that can affect our balance, including our inner ear, eyes, muscles, and nervous system. Balance disorders can cause symptoms such as dizziness, vertigo, and imbalance. If you are feeling unsteady or have had problems with your balance in the past, you may want to consider getting a balance test.

What is a balance test?

A balance test can help determine if you have a balance disorder and what might be causing it. The test usually involves standing on a platform that is slowly rotated while your eye movements are monitored. This will allow your doctor to see how well your eyes are working together and how well you are able to maintain your balance. Other tests, such as the Romberg test and the tandem walk, may also be used to assess your balance.

What do I need to do if I am diagnosed with a Balance Disorder?

If you are diagnosed with a balance disorder, your audologist will recommend treatment options. These may include medications, physical therapy, or surgery. It is important to seek treatment for a balance disorder, as it can lead to falls and other injuries.

What are the treatment options for balance disorders?

There are many different treatment options for balance disorders. Some common treatments include medications, physical therapy, and surgery. It is important to seek treatment for a balance disorder, as it can lead to falls and other injuries.

Treatment options include:

  • Medications
  • Physical therapy
  • Surgery
  • Balance retraining
  • Vestibular rehabilitation

What is balance retraining?

Balance retraining is a type of physical therapy that can help improve your balance. The therapist will help you to practice exercises that will improve your balance and coordination. Balance retraining usually takes place in a clinic or at home.

What is vestibular rehabilitation?

Vestibular rehabilitation is a type of physical therapy that can help improve your balance. The therapist will help you to practice exercises that will improve your balance and coordination. 

What is the prognosis for people with balance disorders?

The prognosis for people with balance disorders varies from person to person. Some people may experience a complete cure with treatment, while others may have long-term balance problems.

Abi Hearing Offers a Wide Range of Hearing Health Services

Other Hearing Health Services

Balance Tests

Balance testing can help diagnose a wide range of hearing related illnesses. If you are experiencing loss of balance, unsteadiness, light-headedness or any other ear systems reach out to our experts.

Hearing Aid Prescription & Fitting

Abi Hearing offers a comprehensive list of hearing aids. If you are suffering hearing loss we can help by prescribing and fitting the right hearing aid to suit your needs.

Hearing Aid Repairs

Like most medical devices, hearing aids at some point will need repair. Abi Hearing specialise in all major hearing aid brands and provide repair services at competitive prices.

Hearing Loss Treatment & Prevention

Tinnitus Evaluation & Treatment Plans

If you are suffering from ringing, buzzing or whirring in your ears, you may well have tinnitus. Abi Hearing are tinnitus treatment and prevention experts.

Auditory Training Program

We use Listening And Communication Enhancement (LACE) program as part of our aural rehabilitation process. This program aims to retrain the brain to comprehend speech up to 40% better in difficult listening situations.

Hearing Conservation Program

Depending on the industry you work in, you might be at greater risk of hearing loss. Abi Hearing aim to educate workers on what they can to to prevent hearing loss and protect themselves when at work.

Proudly Partnering With Australia's Leading Hearing Technology Companies

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